

ArbiterLive is a state-of-the-art platform designed for sports enthusiasts, coaches, officials, and athletic directors. It is a comprehensive tool that helps in managing various aspects of sports, right from scheduling games to managing teams and officials. The platform has been designed to streamline the sports management process, making it more efficient and hassle-free.

What is ArbiterLive?

ArbiterLive is an online platform that enables sports programs to manage their schedules, officials, and teams in a streamlined and efficient manner. It is a comprehensive tool that provides everything sports programs need to manage their games, officials, teams, and schedules. The platform has been designed to simplify the sports management process, making it easier for coaches, officials, and athletic directors to manage their programs.

Key Features of ArbiterLive

ArbiterLive comes with a range of features that make it an indispensable tool for sports programs. Some of the key features of ArbiterLive are:


ArbiterLive allows athletic directors and coaches to schedule games in a few clicks. The platform also allows for automatic scheduling and rescheduling based on changes in availability.

Officials Management:

ArbiterLive makes it easy for officials to schedule, manage, and communicate with sports programs. The platform also allows for automatic assignment of officials based on availability and skill level.

Team Management:

ArbiterLive provides coaches with tools to manage their teams, including player rosters, game schedules, and practice schedules.


ArbiterLive offers a range of communication tools, including email and text messaging, to help coaches and officials stay connected.


ArbiterLive provides detailed reports on game schedules, officials, and teams, helping athletic directors and coaches make informed decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions about ArbiterLive

Q1. How much does ArbiterLive cost?

ArbiterLive pricing varies depending on the size and needs of your sports program. Contact ArbiterSports for a customized quote.

Q2. Is ArbiterLive easy to use?

Yes, ArbiterLive is designed to be easy to use. The platform is intuitive, and the support team is always available to help you with any questions you may have.

Q3. Is ArbiterLive suitable for all sports programs?

Yes, ArbiterLive is suitable for all sports programs, including high school, college, and professional sports programs.


ArbiterLive is a comprehensive sports management platform that makes it easy for sports programs to manage their games, officials, teams, and schedules. With its range of features and intuitive interface, ArbiterLive is the ultimate tool for sports enthusiasts, coaches, officials, and athletic directors. Contact ArbiterSports today to learn more about how ArbiterLive can help you manage your sports program.